Art’s and Literary Magazine
Before stepping into the role as creative director for Encounter’s Magazine, the publication failed to reach a new audience of readers and was stuck marketing with an out-of-date mascot. The publication wanted to transition its positioning to be more credible, in-touch, and aware.
With a new mission in mind, we got to work to create print and digital content that would reflect the new branding and positioning.
a small publication celebrating blackness
The deep, rich culture that black folk have is often lost in the way they are framed. More often than not, the black image has been equated to a mugshot and is the default view cast upon us. No matter who we are, what we do, what food we eat, or how we speak, that image seems to be the only way we are seen. CAPTURED is a statement piece on this loss of culture that utilizes the mug shot in order to reveal personal culture and traits.
a large-form seasonal issue
In frame: Hannah Lee, Emma Lavery Jasmin Lopez
Photography & Direction : Brandon Paillere
In frame: Hannah Lee, Emma Lavery, Jasmin Lopez
Photography & Direction : Brandon Paillere
Featured Artist interview with Emma Lavery
Interview: Bianca Nitta Monteiro
Direction: Brandon Paillere